Sunday 20 February 2011

The importance of Communication Skills

What is Communication Skill? How this Skill is more important in a human life rather than anything else? I have seen many aspirants of professional graduates have wrong perception about the Communication Skills. They say that the Communication skills are important to grab employment opportunities. But to my concern, Communication Skills are not necessary to grab an opportunity. Well, then before I support my assumption, let us discuss about the core objective of this Communication Skills.

At, first we must know the difference between Employability Skills and Communication Skills.
Job skills, adjusting with different environments, working with different mind set people, interest of working and some work ethics included are called EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS.

Expressing ourselves in formal way is called COMMUNICATION SKILL.

Obviously, the employers always look for an employee who has the skills of job, mindset like adjusting with a group of people and work ethics etc. To win an employment the aspirant required to show his/her inner skills like the above Employability skills. If the employer is convinced with the employability skills of the aspirants, they definitely take him/her in. So, to grab an employment opportunity an aspirant seriously required EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS.

Then here comes the question - What the role of Communiciation Skills in Interview?
Well, you need to express yourself infront of the Interviewer (a market place) by making them to know that you have Employability Skills. They only understand your inner skills through an Interaction - and that interaction is called Interview.

Just observe the picture of Core Skills to get an employment!
So to win a job an aspirant definitely should have the Job skills, work ethics, enthusiasm and Team Playership qualities - these are the essential skills the employer looks in every aspirant!

Later the aspirant require communications to express the qualities in him/her with interviewers.
As I mentioned earlier - communication means expressing in a formal way - an aspirant need to express the employability core qualities in him in a formal way to the hiring parties!

So the Basic requirement to possess an employment is EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS!
Therefore, an aspirant require Communications to express his/her Employability Skills!!