Wednesday 23 February 2011

My Experiences with Engineering Graduates! - A Glimpse of "Tell me about Yourself" Question - A Wednesday Article

The professional Engineer is called in a sensible language as Craftsman.
The creative application of scientific principles to develop machines or manufacturing process for the comfort of Human being is called Technology.
An engineer designs and manufactures technology for the comfort of Human being.
I have maximum interactions with engineering aspirants. I use to teach them Employability Skills. The aspirants are good when we speak about technically. It came to my attention when I interact with them psychologically that they have abundant Immaturity, wrong perception about Human relations, over confidence. ‘Mind Engineering’ things are lack in the most of them. The academies never concentrate on the inner core of mind, where as they concentrate on core subjects.
Student in a day attend on class with different issues. Most of the students have unnecessary issues in the mind. Constructional profession needs only craftsmanship. Many professors never groom the students due to lack of time. They are in hurry to complete the syllabus. They only justify the desire of engineering subjects. Nobody cares of Mind Engineering.
Parents of engineering students are innocents. They do not know what their kids do in a day in college. So we could not involve their essence in the issue of Mind Engineering.
Many of students joined Engineering Graduation without proper understanding about the professional graduation. Crazy of B.Tech only forced them in the form of parents to join the course. The students do the study with a core intention to complete the course with merit. They have a wrong perception that merit is the symbol of their craftsmanship.
I feel every time like kids when I speak with these students. It’s really very bad for our generations.
Once I was conducting interviews in a campus. It happened me to ask a question “Tell me about yourself?” to an aspirant.
“I am Bharath, doing IV/IV B.Tech in _____ College. I have got 70 percent, this indicates I am Confident and talented………….”
My heart began to beat in higher rate. It was a test for my patience. I had a feel that the aspirant interviewed me and justified himself.
One lady answered me for the same question “My husband name is Raghuram (not Mr. Raghuram). He is good and looks after me well. I am happy with him. He is hard worker. He loves me very much, and I too love him. (I didn’t ask her about her husband)…………….” (Later she told me that they got married recently)
Then I encountered her “Ummm, I too love you guys very much, because you both love each other very much, but...I didn't get you very much - who wants the job, Dear Lady?”

To be continued next week on the same day…………Jai