Sunday 27 February 2011

Different Personalities

Guys I give some list of personalities along with pronunciation path. Let me see around whether useful for you guys! If you get any queries, meet me on electronic mail.
Use these while you speak something about personalities. This will appeal your scholastic attitude!

Different Personalities

1.      Word:                          Egoist
Pronunciation:             ee-gow-ist
Meaning: One who believes in self advancement.

2.      Word:                          Egotist
Pronunciation:             ee-gu-tist
Meaning: One who always talks about accomplishments.

3.      Word:                          Altruist
Pronunciation:             al-troo-ist
Meaning: One who is interested in the welfare of others.

4.      Word:                          Introvert
Pronunciation:             in-tru, vurt
Meaning: One who turns thoughts inwards.

5.      Word:                          Extrovert
Pronunciation:             ek-stru, vurt
Meaning: One who turns thoughts outwards.

6.      Word:                          Ambivert
Pronunciation:             am-bi, vurt
Meaning: One who turns thoughts inwards and outwards.

7.      Word:                          Misanthrope
Pronunciation:             mi-s(u)n, throwp
Meaning: One who hates people

8.      Word:                          Misogynist
Pronunciation:             miso-ju-nist
Meaning: One who hates women

9.      Word:                          Misogamist
Pronunciation:             miso-gu-mist
Meaning: One who hates marriage

10.  Word:                          Ascetic
Pronunciation:             u’se-tik
Meaning: One who does not pursue pleasures of flesh