Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Word-Pronunciation-Meaning (WPM a Tuesday Article)

Guys! I post this vocabulary on every Tuesday. 
Go through with these try to frame a meaningful 
sentence and send that composed sentence to me.

The order is: Word-Pronunciation-Meaning

Absent – absunt - Not being in a specified place
Accept – aksept - Consider or hold as true
Accident – aksidunt -             An unfortunate mishap
Actor – aktu(r) - A theatrical performer
Actress – aktris - A female actor
Address – a’dres - The place where a person or organization can be found
Advice – ad’vIs - A proposal for an appropriate course of action
Advise – ad’vIz - Give advice to
Advocate – advukeyt - Push for something
Admitted – ud’mit - Declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of
Allotted – ulotud - Given as a task
Ardour – aadu(r) - A feeling of strong eagerness
Aeroplane – ehru pleyn - An aircraft
Affectionately – ufekshunutlee - With affection
Affirmative – ufurmutiv - Affirming or giving assent
Again – ugeyn - Another time, repeating
Algebra – aljubru - The mathematics of generalized arithmetical operations
Arithmetic – urithmu tik - The branch of pure mathematics
Assertive – usurtiv - Aggressively self-assured
Attacked – utak - Launch an attack or assault on
Attendance – utenduns - The act of being present (at a meeting or event etc.)
Attempt – utempt - Make an effort or attempt
August – ogust - Of or befitting a lord
Aunt – ant - The sister of your father or mother
Autumn – otum - The season when the leaves fall from the trees
Author – othu(r) - Writes professionally (for pay)
Awful – oful -             Exceptionally bad or displeasing
Almost – olmowst - Slightly short of or not quite accomplished;
Already – olredee - Prior to a specified or implied time
All right – ol rIt - An expression of agreement
Altogether – oltu gethu(r) - To a complete degree or to the full or entire extent
Analyse – anu’lIz - Consider in detail and subject to an analysis
Analysis – unalusis - An investigation of the component parts of a whole
Ancient – eynshunt - Belonging to times long past
Angry – anggree - Feeling or showing anger
Area – ehreeu - A particular geographical region of indefinite boundary
Annual – any(oo)ul -Completing its life cycle within a year
Answer – ansur - React verbally
Application – apli key shun - The act of bringing something to bear;
Appeared – upir - Give a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect
Appeal – upeel - Earnest or urgent request
Assure – ushur - Make certain of
Asset – asset - A useful or valuable quality

To be continued next Tuesday……